Please check the FAQs before filling out the contact form
Rehoming Pets
As much as we would like to help we are currently not able to rehome or shelter owned pets. Our mission is to rescue and if we took in all the pet requests we wouldn't be able to help with the unowned animals who don’t have anyone else. We recommend rehoming through,, or your local Animal Shelter.
Rehoming Feral or Community Cats
Feral and Community Cats are often best where they are after being trapped, neutered, and returned. They thrive when provided with shelter, care, and regular feeding where they are - moving them can sometimes do more harm than good. We’d be happy to consult with you on how you can help the cats in your area and provide you with additional resources.
We are located in Bloomington Indiana on an idyllic 12 acre farm. Since the rescue is operated from a residential property we do not share the address publicly. We hold valid permits through Monroe County and our facility is inspected annually.
Gently Used Donations
Yes please! Check out the link on our donation page for items we accept and to schedule a pickup.
Medical Advice
The Ranch Cat Rescue does not provide veterinary services. While we are glad to share our experience when able, we do NOT provide emergency care or medical diagnosis. If you need emergency after hours help we recommend IndyVet 24 hour hospital.
Please understand that we are a small rescue run by one human with a handful of volunteers. We can only do so much and we appreciate your patience with our replies and human limitations. Yelling at us, lying to us, and guilting us will not make us able (or willing) to help you faster.
We are currently closed to public intake. If you have found kittens we encourage you to foster them indoors (in a spare room or bathroom) until the waitlist at your local shelter opens up.
If you are a rescue/shelter/veterinary partner please know that we are on limited intake and are prioritizing special needs/care patients.
Please Note!
We receive a high volume of messages and caring for our current residents always comes first. We thank you in advance for your patience with our reply. If you feel you may have missed a reply from us please check your spam folder.